Biography:With a body built for sin and one of the hottest "babe" looks of all times, Whitney Westgate is one of the most beautiful porn actress in the industry and certainly a doll worth fantasizing about all night long. The shapely 5'6" brunette was born in Middletown, New Jersey on January 31, 1994, making her a very appetizing Aquarius. After quitting her first job as a pool lifeguard, Westgate decided to give the adult business a try and was featured in her first X rated movie shortly after turning 18. She has a pair of mouthwatering 32D all natural boobs and weighs around 108 lbs. She has no piercings but you can see some tattoos like the one on her inner left wrist, black vine on her abdomen and the angel on her back. Since her debut in 2012, Whitney Westgate has worked with several well-known XXX companies like Pure Play Media, New Sensations, Pulse Distribution and pay-per-view websites Reality Kings, Nubile Films, Twistys, and of course Bang Brothers. Unfortunately you won't witness this lovely angel doing anal or rough sex scenes, but if you are into babes she has around 80 titles of blowjob, facial, vaginal, lesbian, and solo movies so there's plenty of wet dream material out there. The brown-haired seductress was featured as pet of the month for Penthouse magazine back in April, 2013.
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