Biography:A former Playboy model, Victoria Rae Black is open-minded enough to ace any kind of photoshoot, be it glamor or raunchy hardcore porn. This gorgeous starlet has a slender body, with a perky butt and tits that are perfect mouthfuls. Victoria has high standards, and only shoots the kinds of scenes that turn her on in real life. We've been happy to provide her with only our best cocksmen to play with. On screen and off, she has an insatiable sexual appetite, and loves to be treated to marathon sex sessions by guys who know what they're doing. As she puts it, "I like most of the same stuff on as off. I probably have less sex than you want to imagine I do but more sex than the average girl. I love dirty talk, role-playing and love, love, LOVE to get finger banged." To see this smokin' hot brunette in action, taking on the fattest, hardest dicks in the biz, check out any of her epic MilfFox scenes.
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