Biography:Victoria Daniels could easily be an eastern European model and walk down catwalks across the world. Why she decided to do porn instead is anyone guess, and I couldn’t tell ya cos I don’t speak her native language. What I can tell you about Victoria Daniels is that she is sexy as fuck has one of the best natural body’s in porn and has appeared in some great porn scenes already. However, it is fair to say that Victoria Daniels still a long way to go before she is ready for the big time. Her acting, even though she is acting in a different language, needs some fucking work as does her sexual technique. But with a body like hers, I am sure that Victoria Daniels gets a lot of offers to help her gain the sexual experience she needs to take over the porn industry once and for all! Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t saying that Victoria Daniels doesn’t make good porn, far from it! With a body that incredible, it would be amazing if the porn scenes that Victoria was in were shit. However, you only need to watch her porn scene from Hunt 4K to realise that Victoria needs to put in a bit of work to look more natural in scenes. She is certainly more comfortable with another woman in scenes, as shown in here amazing lesbian scenes for Simply Anal and Euro Girls on Girls. Her pussy licking skills and rimming skills are amazing and to watch a woman that looks this fucking beautiful licking the asshole of another truly stunning specimen, makes you glad to be alive. Of course, as Victoria Daniels is eastern European, she is also kinky as fuck. This model-like beauty has been in loads of porn scenes where she pisses on her and the other women, she has done pregnant porn and loads more! One of my favourite Victoria Daniels’ scenes is her fucking an umbrella in an amazing scene from a porn film by The Life Erotic. Go check out this model-like beauty and enjoy one of the hottest women to ever do porn!
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