Biography:Valentina is a girl who maintains the essence and aesthetics of life at the same level. She was born on July 15, 1998, in El Progreso, Honduras. This Latina girl has beautiful hazel eyes, dark brown hair and a cheerful smile that enchants. She is of average height and her curved body is hot. Her tits are enhanced and have a size of 32DD, while her big ass is one of the sexiest things in the adult industry at the moment. She has three tattoos: a script that goes down the spine, a red crown on the left flank and another on the inside of the left wrist. Except for her ears, her right nostril and navel are pierced. Valentina grew up in Miami where she also finished school. She was unpopular in school and she mostly hung out with loners. She lost her virginity as a teenager with one of her school crushes in the auditorium. She worked three years at a jewelry store in Miami’s downtown. Valentina never saw herself working ordinary jobs. She decided to join the adult industry just after she turned 19.
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