Biography:Samantha Bentley is an English pornstar and adult model. She was born in London, England, on October the 8th, 1987. First of all, this girl is hot – her body is fantastic, her natural tits are fantastic (32DD-24-32) and she's beautiful. Second of all, she's talented and skilled (not to mention that she's a qualified yoga instructor, and we all know how important flexibility is for porn). While she was growing up, this blue-eyed brunette was the ugly duckling, a weirdo and a smart loner who didn't have many friends. She's bisexual (as a matter of fact, she says that she's try-sexual – she's willing to try anything) and her first sexual experience was with a girl. When she was 16, she went to a concert with a female friend of hers, and after the gig the two of them went backstage and had a threesome with a guitarist. That's how she lost her virginity. Before porn she studied design, and that's something she'd consider doing in the future.
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