Biography:Odette Delacroix grew up in rural New England town, but moved to California to attend college after graduating as valedictorian of the largest high school in Maine and being offered a weighty scholarship to pursue her degree in English and Journalism. While in school, Odette worked as a manuscript editor for a small printing press in Los Angeles, as well as serving as a teacher's aide at three local elementary school. On the side, however, Odette began taking nude photographs of herself to help supplement her income. It was through these photographs she found her love for the adult industry and decided to pursue it full-time. Odette landed work with several of the largest adult companies as an erotic model, and at the age of 20, she joined an adult modeling agency and began shooting more explicit content. She found herself gravitating towards fetish content and began shooting custom clips for fans, which allowed her more time to continue her studies and travels. In her free time, Odette loves to "visit new and popular restaurants and write about them on review website such as Yelp." She also studies wine and is a member of many California wineries. She loves to "write, travel to new places, eat fine food, paint, and baby her pet python Azuka."
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