Biography:Born Monique Alexandra Rock on the 16th of May 1982, in California, Monique Alexander has been for quite some time the sole reason why men have woken up all set and ready for a morning quickie. And for all this time she has been the girl next door – literally, nobody that met her in real life (without knowing her a bit) realized that she was actually a porn actress. Her career as a pornstar started at the age of 18 (so in about 2000), when she started stripping in order to make an extra buck – at that time, she was also working as a hotel receptionist. From there, it didn’t take long until she started doing photo shoots for adult magazines, with the first one being shot by famous adult photographer Earl Miller.But it took a whole year until she started shooting hardcore films – if until then she was the girl next door shooting solo scenes, in 2001 she shot her first girl-on-girl scene. She was very successful from that same year, grabbing a contract with Sin City. From 2004 until 2009 she was signed under Vivid – however, she also shot softcore films for HBO and Cinemax, films such as Hotel Erotica and The Sex Spa. But her first experience with a man in front of the camera didn’t come until 2004 – and the man who had the honour was none other than Rocco Siffredi, in Vivid’s Lexie and Monique Love Rocco. However, this doesn’t mean at all that she was just a lesbian until then – many of times, Monique Alexander said that she is a true bisexual, having loved both men and women long before shooting the scene with Rocco.
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