Biography:Italy is known to have some of the hottest women in the world. I visited Italy last year, and there are the hottest women in the world, just walking the streets everywhere. Every woman you pass in Italy could be a model. So, it’s no surprise to me that Malena La Pugliese is from Italy. This pornstar is stunningly sexy, but she is only on par with all of the rest of the hotties in Italy. Her body is incredible. She has massive tits, they look perky enough to be real, but I don’t think they are. Her tits are round and beautiful, and she has lovely puffy nipples too. She also has an incredible ass. Now, Malena La Pugliese is a curvy pornstar but with curves in all of the best place. Her ass is impeccable. Her pussy is pretty, tight and pink. Plus she has the long legs of a supermodel that look amazing in every porn scene she in. The first time I saw Malena La Pugliese in a porn scene was actually when I was researching another pornstar for their bio. Malena starred in an orgy for Rocco Siffredi. Even while I was watching the other pornstar, my eyes and cock were fixed on Malena. She just has that stunning sexuality and goddess-like nature that stops you in your tracks. You are like a rabbit in the sexiest headlights in the world. You can really see that men love banging Malena La Pugliese too. The intensity in her porn scenes is real, it has to be. Men love banging the crap out of Malena, and she has banged a lot of guys in her time in porn. This is mainly because one of Malena’s favourite porn scenes to do is gangbang scenes. You can see that she gets a kick out of being worshipped by so many guys at once. She can handle all of the cocks too. She sucks, she rides, she grinds and then receives her salty reward like it is an Oscar! Malena La Pugliese is a big deal in porn. She is so god damn hot and one of the greatest exports from Italy ever!
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