Biography:Kennedy Kressler was born on April 3, 1988 in Oregon. Her real name is Stephanie Mahaffey. Kennedy is a gentle and lovely blonde, a sweet girl-next door type and a dream babe of many men and women. She has started her career back in 2006 when she was eighteen years old. Petite and light weighted, the strawberry blonde Kennedy has a very rich resume full with scenes and films that were done by some of the most successful productions and adult websites such as Kick Ass Pictures, Dogfart Network, Twystis, Hush Hush Entertainment,, Girlfriends Films, Pure Play Media, Diabolic Video, Jules Jordan Video, FM Concepts and She has shot numerous interracial sex scenes, as well as lesbian, toys, teen, mature and masturbating. At the beginning of her career Kennedy used other aliases such as Kennedy Kessler, Allison Tate. It is not clearly known whether she is still actively filming.Kennedy KresslerBeautiful Kennedy has a natural body that she keeps in great shape and free of piercings or tattoos. She is a big fan of role playing, bondage and sex toys. She has an active Twitter page, but she keeps her tweets protected and fans who would like to follow will have to send a follow request first.
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