Biography:website for amateur photographers. Before that she was doing only mainstream photos or acts. After few months of work she saw her photos everywhere and her family and friends found out about her porn career. It caused her a lot of problems so she stopped doing anything related with porn. Several months later she contacted her agent again and continued her work without problems. Katarina is considered to be one of the prettiest faces in the porn industry.Hartlova has filmed several hardcore scenes, including a pro-am bukkake scene for Spanish producer Torbe (2010 and 2012). Fans adore her for her sexy curves and her big breasts, but she also does excellent performances on camera. Her hardcore scenes brought her fame, but she says she hates doing them. The only reason she would go back to filming such scenes would be if she has financial problems. For now she does hardcore scenes occasionally, but only with her boyfriend.Katerina HartlovaEven though she filmed anal scenes and scenes with facial ejaculation, Katarina doesn’t prefer doing any of that on camera. In December 2014, Score released a pregnant sex scene with Katerina and her boyfriend. Katarina has posed for the following websites: DDF Busty, Bustyz, and PerfectD (credited as Kitty). She has done boy/girl at Sexy-Employee, Karup's Private Collection, PutaLocura,, (credited as Katerina Dubrova),, HDLove and Bustyz. Katarina has a steady everyday work, but at the same time she does porn as a side job. One day she hopes to have a big family. She is glad she has lots of fans but wants them to know that she is just a normal girl, who happens to earn money by doing porn. She is most recognizable for her big natural breasts that started developing when she was thirteen years old. She isn’t fan of them but learned to live with them, she says. She uses Twitter and Facebook, but doesn’t post regularly. In 2014 Katrina was pregnant but it is not known when she gave birth to her child.
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