Biography:With her caramel colored skin, sensual smile and alluring brown eyes, Isabella Chrystin is the spicy mixture of Tunisian and Czech ethnicities and by far one of the most attractive brunettes in porn. She was born in Prague, Czech Republic on February 16, 1988 and decided to pursue a career in the adult entertainment business at the age of 24. She stands 5 feet and 6 inches tall and she weighs 99 lbs so her slim body really exposes those perfect 34B-26-34 curves. She has a signature piercing in her upper lip and tattoos on her left stomach and right side of the neck. Besides her natural beauty, Isabella Chrystin also has a naughty side and when in front of the camera there are only a handful of things this chick wouldn't do. She enjoys trading girl on girl sex in numerous lesbian escapades and she can't refuse some deep anal or some kinky ass to mouth. During her time in adult entertainment she has worked with famous companies like Mile High, Web Young, Viv Thomas, Rocco Siffredi, Evil Angel, Private, and Eromaxx Films. She also goes by the names Alex Cassandra, Isabella B, and Lexi .
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