Biography:Heather Vandeven was born in Hollywood, California and attended high school in Santa Rosa, California. She was very athletic then, stating that she was able to do ten pull-ups and run the mile in seven minutes, and was always skateboarding. Heather Vandeven was a late bloomer who did not start to develop until age 15; she has confessed to stuffing her bra before then. After graduating from high school at age 17, she served in the United States Army for two and a half years, where she worked in food inspection. She has a degree in Education from Southern Illinois University and was working on her masters in Nutrition in fall of 2006. Heather Vandeven was named Penthouse Pet of the Month for January 2006, and then was chosen as Pet of the Year for 2007. In August 2007, she appeared on the Fox reality television program On the Lot in Adam Stein's short film Army Guy, playing "Kandee" Heather Vandeven appears as a girlfriend of the player-character boxer in a speaking role in documentary-style portions of the Don King Presents: Prizefighter game from 2K Sports, released in the U.S on June 10, 2008. She has a cameo appearance as herself in the 2008 comedy College, alongside fellow Penthouse Pet Valentina Vaughn. Heather Vandeven was part of Team Penthouse in the Drambuie Pursuit which consisted of teams of 4 racing through the Scottish Highlands.[9]
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