Biography:Gracie started her porn career in the middle of 2017. She has always been in love with acting, but in completely different way – she was drawn to artistic and theatrical forms of acting. She made 45 adult scenes by now. Her scenes are mostly lesbian and hardcore. Personally, she is a big fan of BDSM and bondage scenes and she says she would like to explore those categories more. Her lesbian scenes are full of pure passion and wild sex at the same time. She worked with actresses, such are: Aaliyah Love, Alex Blake, Aubrey Black, Milana May, Nina North, Whitney Wright etc. She is fascinated with all the people with which she cooperated so far. She enjoys the facts that everybody is kind and that they all have supremely professional relation to the business.Gracie May GreenShe doesn’t have a favorite actor, but she filmed with some of the male superstars such are: Bambino, Dylan Snow, Jake Adams, Justin Hunt, Logan Long, Markus Dupree, Mike Mancini, Ryan Driller, Tommy Gunn etc. Her look, skills and the right mindset opened the doors of many porn studios, such as: Team Skeet, Brazzers Network, Girlfriends Films, Nubiles, Twistys, Devil’s Film, Naughty America etc. There are a couple of things that she would like achieve while in the industry, such as a personal growth and development. All the rest, such is a pleasure, is pure bonus for her. She was nominated at AVN Awards 2019 for the best group sex scene in the movie Future Darkly 1. Awards are another goal in the industry for her. Gracie is a very pleasant girl. She is responding to almost everyone who writes to her on Twitter. She said that it is the least that she can do for her fans. She likes reading, going to theater, hiking and playing Xbox or PS4. Weed smoking is her daily ritual. If she ever had the chance to fuck some celebrity, that would be Olivia Wilde.
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