Biography:Franceska Jaimes is one of the most daring and fearless porn star of today’s porn world. Not only that she looks bad ass, but her porn story is just has hardcore. But what makes this chick seem so intense? Well, first of all, she’s a big girl. Not in the sense that she’s fat, but she is imposing. She’s 5 feet and 8 inches tall (173 cm), which is quite tall for a porn star. She has big round boobs, which are fake. However, her huge fake boobs match the rest of her body perfectly. She had wide hips, a big bubble butt, which is also fake, thick muscular legs and a look in her eye that will make you think she’s either about to fight you or fuck you. She’s brunette with brown eyes, and she has a couple of tattoos, but no piercings. Sometimes she keeps a little bush above her meaty and juicy pussy. She was born in Bogota, Colombia, which might be one of the reasons for her kick-ass attitude.
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