Biography:Francesca Di Caprio has the best features of Russians in the industry from her rough alluring accent to being an anal loving slut in the sheets. For all of the detailed information that there is about her, there is just not much content about her. The only way that you could have heard of her is if you are a big fan of the material that is featured by the guys down at They have made all but five of the videos in her collection of movies. Ironically enough her first film, Legal Porno GIO080, was created in 2015 by you know who. Her most recent film, Legal Porno GIO233, was released last year by the same people. Do I think we will see more of her this year? Sure but the chances are that the people down at legalporno has more of an idea then I will ever have.Now there is one thing that you will see in all of her porn beside four films. This niche is all that her fans come to see and it is her tight ass taking anal as seen with such flicks as: Monster Gapes 2, Legal Porno GIO193, Legal Porno GIO093, etc. The other four movies are all showing her taking a load to the face at the end as shown with such flicks as Fucking Bastard Angels 1, Car Trouble, Desire of Transgression, and Euro Pickups 3. Usually, I do not add my personal comments to this section, but I always want to applaud the woman who has one niche and sticks to it! This is something that I am starting to see more and more of the pros do.
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