Biography:Domenica Lito is a real Russian beauty with deep blue eyes and a killer smile. She was born on December 14, 1989 in Russia. The sexy Russian babe with naturally large breasts and dreamy body started her porn career in 2012, at the age of twenty-three.As a real seductress, she immediately caught the eyes of thousands of fans, as well as producers and directors and right from the start she showed that she is here to stay. Within five years, Domenica has performed in various genres such as hardcore, POV, fetish, threesome, toys, lesbian, teen and anal.Some of her most famous films/videos and TV series are Rocco One on One 13, House of Taboo, Hardcore Pleasure, Perfect Slaves 7, Slutty Girls Love Rocco 8 and so on. Domenica has collaborated with productions and websites such as Digital Sin, Evil Angel, Pure Play Media, Mile High, 21Sextury,, Anal X, Kick Ass Pictures, Pure Play Media and many more.
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