Biography:Carmen Valentina has been doing movies since 2010 with such works such as I Know That Girl (I Got A Sexy Little Outfit), Dare Dorm 4, and Superbound. One interesting thing about her prior work, except First Class Fuck that produced in 2015, is that she has five other works archived for unknown reasons. These archived movies include Small Chicks Like Big Dick, Addicted to Dick Too, Girls, Girls, Girls, Tuna Helper, and Poolside Pounding. Some films that she acted in this year has mostly just been from the Girl Next Door Bondage series to which she has been a part of three very kinky episodes, but comparing all her movies, there is one common theme that even is shown from her earliest works till nowCarmen cannot deny that she has a gagging and rape fetish. They make up six of the seventeen movies that she has created in her career. Miss Valentina has four out of these six films are series that were entire comprise of bondage such as Selfgags, Shiny Bound, Swimsuit Bondage, and Girl Next Door Bondage. When she is not doing one or the other, then she is switching out between two roles being either a mom/teen or dominant/submissive. Carmen ValentinaShe does not drink nor smoke so she is easily able to pull off the younger girl look but still has the curves that you can see on any MILF. Her small petite stature makes her the perfect victim while her dominant aura and age make her an ideal candidate for a femdom role. If you are looking for one girl that does one thing, then Carmen is not for you. One thing to note about Carmen is that the last thing she wants to talk about is herself which leads to a lot of speculation. She has been on record for saying that she thinks of herself as an old lady that loves painting and relaxing. You could even look at the short autobiography that she made at the start of her career then you will see that she has always viewed herself as a creative, albeit constantly horny, individual. When it comes to her life, Carmen has always worked odd jobs to make ends meet such jobs as an art model, lifeguard, and office manager. One thing leads to another and doing porn just became one of those odd jobs that she fell in love with while making her more than the other three odd jobs combined.
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