Biography:Brittany Andrews started her career as a model and host of various talk shows. She quickly took the reins of her first show, Talking Blue (1995), and became the Segment Producer for the cable-access talk show. She became Co-Producer in only a few short years, and the show went on to win a Cable Ace Award for her efforts. She later attended the New York Film Acadamy for two years to study producing. Since then she has produced and directed a number of feature films, short films, music videos, documentaries and commercials. In Los Angeles she opened up her own 5000-sq.-ft. studio, Britco Pictures, which she owned and operated for 10 years. After shutting down her company, she moved to New York City and started a new production company, Discipline FilmWorks. A few of the reality shows that Discipline has produced are "True Cougar Lives", Pimp My Bride (2007), "Fabulous Sex Lives of:" and "My Real Porn Life", which won Best Reality Short at New York Independent Film Festival. Some of the films her company has produced are the thriller Trick of the Witch (2010) (two awards), Crumble (2010) (seven awards), the political drama Blindfold (2011) (three awards) and the documentary Stage Brother (2011) (one Award). Her new company is working on reality TV programming, documentaries and various feature film projects.
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