Biography:Andreina was born on December 4, 1992, in Venezuela. Very soon after her birth, her family moved to Colombia. There she grew up and became a stunning woman. She has a face typical for a Latina – pretty darn beautiful. She is black-haired girl with brown eyes. Behind her beautiful smile you will see extremely white teeth, which, I must say, looks sexy as hell. Her body looks amazing with natural 32AA tits, straight long legs and a gorgeous ass - in which you are going to fall in love on the first sight. On her right flank you can see a tattoo: “Mom Brother Dad”. Maybe the most interesting thing about her private life is that she is a lawyer. But she abandoned lawyer’s office since that is quite a boring job for her wild spirit. Andreina decided to start an adventure called porn modeling to satisfy her internal lust. Andreina started her professional career in the beginning of 2018 and it was very dynamic from the start. That was because she crossed the Atlantic Ocean and came to Europe where she made her first scenes. As a fresh face in the business and a stranger in foreign countries, she achieved her first goals with great success. She worked for major European studios such as: 21 Sextury Network, DDF Network, Woodman Casting X, Dutch’s Mature, Joymii etc. All of her scenes are either lesbian or hardcore and she excels in both categories. But what was especially attractive to me is her love for hard dicks.Andreina De LuxeIt seems that she can dance salsa with two dicks in her holes. In some moment she crossed the ocean again, but this time back to USA. She kept up with the series of excellent scenes. In the US, she also worked for large production names such as: Mofos, Reality Kings, Team Skeet, Evil Angel, Perfect Gonzo etc. Her skill and passion are not debatable and many of her co-actors agree that she is a super-fine slut one could only wish for as a sex partner. By the way, some of her male co-actors were famous names such as: Dorian del Isla, Kristof Cale, Mike Angelo, the famous Nacho Vidal, Charlie Dean etc.
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